The Association remains steadfast in advocating for the future of the CPA profession, and on December 18, NCACPA submitted a...
NCACPA has been actively engaging its members to provide feedback on two recent exposure drafts concerning alternative pathways to CPA...
The BOI reporting deadline is here, and the stakes are high. Millions of businesses need to file BOI reports this...
Two exposure drafts on alternative pathways to licensure were recently released for comment, which provides members the opportunity to provide...
Tax Treatment of “Qualified Disaster Payments” By Gerard H. Schreiber, Jr., CPA, Valrie Chambers, PhD, CPA, and Elizabeth G. Brennan,...
NCACPA’s chief lobbyist met with representatives from the U.S. Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) on September 20 to...
Please see this summary of all material changes to the state’s tax code enacted by the General Assembly during the...
NCACPA’s Board of Directors recently held a specially convened meeting and unanimously approved the CEO Search Committee’s recommendation for the...
NCACPA’s Accounting & Attestation (A&A) Resource Group recently submitted a comment letter stressing the important role that the Private Company...
The Board of Directors is pleased to share a significant milestone in the journey of the North Carolina Association of...