Ask yourself the following questions…
If you can’t come to the office next Monday who will take care of your clients’ needs?
How much value will your firm lose if the succession planning process is not handled in an orderly manner?
Most large firms have succession planning built into their firm-operating agreements. Those firms still face succession challenges, such as building the next generation of future leaders, but typically have formalized, logistical plans for succession in place. On the other hand, several smaller firms, and in particular sole practitioners, may not yet have addressed their succession planning matters.
The truth is, every business owner—including every CPA—will face a succession event one day. As a task force, we hope our resources will encourage you to address succession planning in a proactive way to prevent firms and CPAs from being faced with emergency succession planning.
The NCACPA Succession Planning Resource Team is committed to providing relevant resources to help improve education and awareness, as well as assist in emergency situations.
NCACPA Emergency
Resources & Response
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