Fueling the Future in 4 Ways
NCACPA is dedicated to impacting the pipeline in North Carolina through strategic initiatives and resource allocation in four key areas. Our efforts will result in a comprehensive, multi-year pipeline roadmap, aiming to support the filling of the accounting pipeline with professionals who uniquely reflect and represent our world. This roadmap will build upon our existing programs and activities while leveraging the AICPA’s Pipeline Acceleration Plan.
Address the dwindling pipeline of accounting professionals with an emphasis on providing financial assistance to students at all levels of post high school education.
NCACPA’s Board has identified four strategic areas to guide and align its pipeline efforts: Foundation and scholarships; high school & college strategies; 30-hour communications campaign; and addressing firm culture and business model challenges.
“Every voice has the power to help a student and expand the accounting profession for the future.”
– Dr. Lisa Owens-Jackson, CPA
Accounting & Finance Chair at North Carolina A&T State University
NCACPA is in a unique position to reach aspiring professionals to join the accounting pipeline and better reflect the world.
Doing things differently than they’ve been done before
Change doesn’t happen by doing everything the same as it’s always been done. The NCACPA community and staff is committed to filling the pipeline with people who represent a different, more diverse, accounting future.
NCACPA’s Pipeline Fingerprints
Creating an inclusive space for present and future accounting professionals
We make better decisions when we embrace, involve, and seek to understand those with different backgrounds than ourselves.
That’s why NCACPA is committed to…

- NCACPA created a unique accounting educator membership that makes involvement with NCACPA more affordable and provides a special community where they can share resources.
- Consulting academic programmers for relevancy
- The Association is working to connect Business Leaders and Educators through various events
- NCACPA created an Education Resource Group whose primary objective is to support the accounting pipeline.
- Hosting the Accounting Educators Exchange with open discussion about hot topics, knowledge sharing, collaboration, learning and more

Financial Assistance
- Awarded $131,000 in scholarships to 63 students from 29 schools in North Carolina.
- Continued partnership with the NC State Board of CPA Examiners now totaling 35 students from 15 different schools receiving vouchers covering CPA exam fees. Four (4) of our original voucher recipients have passed all four parts and 21 additional students have submitted their applications to sit for a section of the exam.
- 100% contribution participation from both NC CPA Foundation and NCACPA Boards of Directors for the 6th year in a row.
- Continued our demographic data collection efforts to both better understand our applicant pool, as well as assist in future Foundation programs.

Data Trends
- On an ongoing basis, NCACPA makes efforts to continuously collect demographic data alongside the NC State Board of CPA Examiners. Understanding the demographic composition of the profession will allow for continuous evolution that will broaden the talent pipeline and aid in identifying progressions, challenges, and trends.
- NCACPA has expanded our demographic options related to race/ethnicity and gender, in hopes of gaining a better understanding about those in our community. As always, users have the ability of opt out of selections.
Demographic Data Collection
We are asking for demographics to gain a fundamental understanding of the membership’s composition, which enables the Association to better serve everyone, thereby creating a more inclusive environment. These FAQs represent questions received and by sharing it, our goal is to ensure everyone has the same insight into the Association’s intent.
Why does NCACPA need to collect demographic data?
Data collection helps to understand the composition of both current and future professionals. A strategic focus for NCACPA has been, and continues to be, the pipeline. Students matriculating through school, and those looking for a second career in the accounting profession, are more diverse than ever before. As their professional membership association, we want to ensure the organization is open to, and inclusive of, everyone. Collecting data allows us to make informed decisions about programming, products, services, and benefits.
How does information like religion and sexual orientation inform decisions?
Our focus is to promote inclusion that can help cultivate a positive member experience enjoyed by all. Understanding what religious holidays and observances are recognized by members aids staff in scheduling both educational and networking events that can be attended by all. It is also important for members to have the ability to self-identify, which promotes inclusion. Our goal is to reflect and honor the diversity of our community, including those who have been historically excluded.
Do I have to complete the information?
If you are not comfortable providing the information, or simply do not want to share, there is an option in the drop-down window for “Prefer not to answer.” Again, our goal is not to be intrusive, rather to have a greater understanding of the individuals we serve.
How will NCACPA use the data and with whom will my data be shared?
We will use the data to create effective strategies and identify gaps and overlaps. This data will be shared only with NCACPA staff and remain in NCACPA-related databases. Per our privacy policy, NCACPA never sells data to any third party. Aggregate data will be used to prepare anonymous reports, which may be shared with staff and the public.

- NCACPA advocates for the designation and promotion of accounting as part of the STEM curriculum in North Carolina secondary schools under the field of Technology. We have asked legislators to build on the state’s existing financial literacy initiatives by expanding accounting course offerings through grade 12 and target resources toward students who are underrepresented in the profession.
- NCACPA supported and secured cosponsors for H.R. 3541, the Accounting STEM Pursuit Act, and S. 1705, the STEM Education in Accounting Act. These federal bills would designate accounting as STEM and allow Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants to be used for increasing access to high-quality accounting courses for students who are members of groups underrepresented in accounting careers.
- NCACPA supported and secured cosponsors for H.R. 1477/S. 722, the Freedom to Invest in Tomorrow’s Workforce Act. This legislation would help make obtaining a CPA license more affordable by expanding eligible uses of 529 savings plans to include fees and expenses required for postsecondary credentials. NCACPA is a member of the Tomorrow’s Workforce Coalition, which consists of more than 560 organizations united in support of this bill.

One of NCACPA’s goals is to attract and support high-quality students with diversified backgrounds to the accounting profession. We implemented initiatives to help overcome the current talent shortage and provide resources and opportunities to support students in their accounting journey!

High School Initiatives
More information coming soon!

Education Resource Group
This volunteer-based group identifies and supports the needs of educators and students.

Accounting Opportunities Week
NCACPA is part of a collaborative effort of 37 other state CPA societies and the AICPA’s National Commission on Diversity & Inclusion and Student Recruitment Committee. These organizations are partnering to make a meaningful impact on high school students, while also encouraging them to explore a future career in accounting.
For the past two years, NCACPA has participated in Accounting Opportunities Week. Presentations, outreach, and support materials provided by NCACPA members who volunteered raised awareness of the accounting profession and explained the exciting and challenging roles that CPAs play in their business and local communities.
If you are interested in participating in the Accounting Opportunities Week as a student outreach volunteer, please reach out to Holly Bazemore at [email protected]!
“The best innovation comes from inclusive work environments that foster diverse ideas, nurture people with diverse talents and backgrounds, and create strong relationships with diverse communities”
– Mark Parker (former CEO of Nike)
NCACPA contributes to a colorful community
Our fingerprints may be different, but we have common goals.
Here are examples of how NCACPA supports its community:

- NCACPA improved financial literacy by leading the effort in 2019 to pass a law requiring high school students to complete the Economics and Personal Finance (EPF) course.
- Since then, NCACPA has helped secure $1.9 million in state funding for specialized training of EPF instructors.
- In 2022, NCACPA introduced and passed legislation to provide equitable tax treatment for minority-owned and historically underutilized small businesses that received pandemic relief through the RETOOLNC grant program.
- We have been working for some time with the North Carolina Council on Economic Education (NCCEE) to promote financial literacy in public high school classrooms across the state.
- NCACPA members continue to volunteer as guest lecturers and panelists for financial literacy classes, as judges for academic competitions focused on economics and personal finance, and as members of regional advisory boards for NCCEE.

Experience NCACPA
Give back on days and in ways that work for you! NCACPA has many avenues for you to serve and engage with your community, profession, and the association.
From social and networking events to mentoring to finding a volunteer for your organization, our newly launched Experience NCACPA section of the website offers a path for members and nonmembers to get and stay engaged!
DEI Listening Sessions
NCACPA partnered with The Diversity Movement to help us continue our DEI journey. Building on the DEI member survey shared toward the end of 2021, the Association scheduled 1-hr listening sessions with 3 groups of 20 members to gain qualitative insights and help us understand how we can create a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive association.

Community Spotlight
At NCACPA, we want to support our whole community and give other accounting professionals a chance to do the same! That’s why we’ve recently decided to partner with one local nonprofit in a “Community Spotlight” at each of our conferences. NCACPA staff and attendees will learn about the mission of the nonprofit and have an opportunity to give back to their community through that business.
“We must create more opportunities for us all to leverage our differences, learn, grow, and contribute.”
– Shawana Hudson Spann, CPA, MSA
NCACPA Past Chair