To be truly impactful advocates and leaders for the profession, upholding equitable practices and policies must be a cornerstone for the Association. This facet directly relates to our strategic focus on governance and operational effectiveness.
Take a look at the progress made over the past couple of years…
- 2024
2024 - Plans for 2024
- Collaborate with other NCACPA groups to explore ways to increase exposure of the accounting profession to students.
- Develop application structure for the NCACPA Board, Resource Groups, and the NC CPA Foundation to mitigate bias.
- Host in-person orientation and onboarding for new members of the DEI Resource GRoup, ensuring a common baseline understanding of its mission.
- Plan for updates to the NCACPA website and develop more member resources.
- Focus on enhancing the accessibility of the NCACPA website by engaging a third party.
- 2023
2023 - Year-End 2023
- Launch dedicated microsite, which was created to show how NCACPA is working to enrich the pipeline, provide more volunteer service opportunities, contribute to our communities, offer professional and personal development programs, and maintain equitable practices and policies.
- Continue offering diverse, equitable, and inclusive learning experiences to members, accounting professionals, and staff, and introduce calendar with resources.
- Develop application structure for the NCACPA Board, RGs, and the NC CPA Foundation to mitigate bias in Summer 2023.
- Review NCACPA’s Code of Professional Conduct; make any necessary enhancements; share with members.
- Deploy follow-up surveys to both staff and members.
- And MORE!
- 2022
2022 - Fall 2022
- Development of NCACPA’s DEI microsite began following recommendations from The Diversity Movement.
- Collaboration with NCACPA’s Education RG on a joint university/community college outreach survey.
- DEI Commitment Statement is enhanced based on input by The Diversity Movement.
- 2022
2022 - Summer 2022
- NCACPA entered into a partnership with The Diversity Movement, located in Raleigh, who will assist in strategically leading the Association’s efforts.
- Collaboration between the NC CPA Foundation and the DEI RG to enhance practices pertaining to the scholarship process.
- Facilitation of listening sessions with the NCACPA Board, members, and staff to gain insights into varying perspectives.
- Work begins to refine the online membership application and collect member demographics.
- 2022
2022 - Spring 2022
- Work began on adjusting internal policies and processes, including hiring/onboarding, job descriptions, and compensation.
- The DEI RG focused on its governance matrix, which included term limits, attendance requirements, meeting frequency, succession planning, and collaboration with other NCACPA RGs and the NC CPA Foundation.
- 2022
2022 - Winter 2022
NCACPA staff participated in a comprehensive, two-day racial equity training session.
- 2021
2021 - Fall 2021
- Deployed membership survey
- NCACPA members were invited to share perspectives on how the Association could continue to advance our initiatives in this space as it related to events, activities, and the profession more broadly. This assessment revealed strengths of the Association as well as insights for bringing the Association in stronger alignment with DEI values and best practices.
- NCACPA staff discussed the results of the culture survey and participated in DEI training.
- Deployed membership survey
- 2021
2021 - Summer 2021
- Consistent demographic data collection to better focus on broadening the talent pipeline.
- NCACPA Staff Culture Survey: Purpose was to understand existing opinions, hear sentiments on different subjects, evaluate current policies and procedures, and create positive change.
- 2021
2021 - Spring 2021
- The DEI RG create three task forces, dedicated to:
- Offering reflections and edits on NCACPA’s DEI Statement
- Exploring and recommending racial equity trainings for staff
- Researching and developing a member survey to be deployed in the fall
- NCACPA’s senior staff members completed a thorough internal Equity Audit, which was a deep dive into current policies, practices, and trainings centered on representation in decision making, advancement in culture, and equity in talent management and performance outcomes.
- The DEI RG create three task forces, dedicated to:
- 2021
2021 - February & March 2021
DEI RG members participated in two intensive training sessions on the foundations of DEI principles:
- Fundamental terms of diversity, equity, inclusion, and race
- Concepts of unconscious and implicit biases, and microaggressions
- Types of bystander response and strategies for action
- Types of workplace behaviors linked to unconscious bias
- Best practices for hiring and managing people
- Strategies for becoming anti-racist in practice and policy
- 2021
2021 - January 2021
Establishment of the NCACPA DEI Resource Group (RG): This member-led, volunteer group touches every aspect of the Association’s DEI efforts and initiatives. Rooted in evidence-based practices and informed by the insights of our staff, leadership, and membership, the DEI RG makes the association and profession more inclusive and influential.