This week’s podcast focuses on the following items: Amounts advanced by partner were a debt leading to income for other...
By Donald J. Kaiser, CPA, McCarthy & Company, PC Internal controls are among the most important anti-fraud controls that...
When I first saw the word smishing, I assumed it was some new lingo the kids came up with to...
By Rob McLean, CNN Business New York (CNN Business) In one of the biggest data breaches ever, a hacker gained access...
While fraud can damage any organization, it can devastate small businesses, which often lack the resources for proper anti-fraud...
Barbara Andrews, Director – Forensic Services, Association of International Certified Professional Accountants Tax reform affects more than just taxes. It...
Data thieves don’t take a break during the holidays. In fact, the IRS warns taxpayers that the agency is seeing...
Cybersecurity remains a significant concern despite the progress companies worldwide have made in the past two to three years building...
In order to stand out in a crowded profession, many financial professionals are leveraging the escalating trend toward advisory services....
Are you considering an advisory service practice? Many financial professionals are in order to offer their clients more value-added services...