Event Registrant Information & Resources
Thank you for attending NCACPA’s Professional Women’s Conference!
Registration for the conference will open at 7:00 AM on Thursday, October 24 in the Grand Ballroom where breakfast will also be provided.
Maximize your time at the event with the
NCACPA Conferences mobile app
Easily view the Schedule, Speakers, Photo Gallery, Instant Alerts and more! You can even create personalized lists to target what you want to see, hear & do.

App Download Instructions:
For iPhone and Android users: To download the NCACPA Conferences app visit tripbuildermedia.com/apps/ncacpa
This link will automatically detect your phone type and take you to the right place to download the app on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. Or, just scan this QR Code & download the app now!
Logging into the App:
On the login screen, enter your username and the password in which you have set via the login credentials email or via the Reset Password link on the login screen.
On the app login screen click the Reset Password link. Enter in your email address in which you’ve registered for the event with and this will send you an email that contains the link to set your password.
Once you have set your password, please navigate back to the login screen of the mobile app and enter in your email address as your username and the password you’ve recently set.
Navigating the Schedule:
The schedule is sorted by date and then time within the day. Click the All toggle to see all sessions for the selected day. While at the event, click the Now toggle to see all sessions happening at that specific date and time. Click the magnifying glass to search the schedule by keywords to find applicable sessions. Click the funnel icon to filter the schedule by specific filter categories. Click into any session to see more information and details about the session along with information about the session’s presenters.
Personalizing Your Experience:
Create your personalized lists (such as your MySchedule or your MyContacts list) by clicking on the empty circle for each specific entry so a check mark appears for that entry (if an entry has a check mark on it that means it has been added to your MyEvent). To then access your personalized lists, click the MyEvent icon from the home screen of the app.
Be Social:
Interact with fellow attendees by uploading/sharing photos to the in-app Gallery. Post comments and questions on the Social Feed to connect with fellow attendees about topics of interest.
Attendee Networking:
Easily Connect with fellow attendees via the Let’s Meet button on the attendee list. This will enable you to send an initial email through the app to the intended recipient. The recipient can then choose to respond back to you directly via email. Email addresses are protected on the app until you choose to share it with a fellow attendee. Sort the attendee list alphabetically by Name or by Company to easily find who you’re looking for.
Welcome reception featuring the Dottie Rose Foundation
Wednesday, October 23, from 5:00-7:00 PM
NCACPA is proud to recognize the Dottie Rose Foundation which encourages young women to grow their technology skills.
The Dottie Rose Foundation is committed to inspiring the next generation of female tech leaders. By providing hands-on learning experiences, mentorship, and a supportive community, they help young women build confidence and critical skills in technology. NCACPA is proud to highlight their work, supporting a future where women thrive in tech fields.
Support this very worthy nonprofit in their fight to make girls feel accepted, inspired, and motivated!
Below is a listing of sessions for this program accompanied by the materials, if available. Click on the buttons to print materials or download them to your preferred device. Once you download materials, refunds will not be issued. NCACPA will post materials to the registrant only page as they are received by the instructor prior to the event.
GS1: Mastering the Art of the Restart
3A: Dare to Dream Big: The Pathway to Personal Growth and Ultimate Fulfillment
1A: Empowering Women in Finance: Navigating Risks and Opportunities for Wealth and Well-Being
3B: The Art of Social Media Content: Best Practices for Diverse Platforms
1B: Own Your Dopeness – Build your Bold Personal Brand
4A: Balance Sheets and Balanced Diets: Health Advice for High Achievers
2A: Impactful and Productive Conversations
4B: Unlocking Fearless Inclusion
2B: Unlocking Her Tech Brilliance
GS2: Rethinking Professionalism: Developing Your Authentic Leadership Voice
Links will be made available at the end of each conference day
Conference Survey: Please take a few moments to fill out the survey(s) regarding the speakers, objectives, and overall program experience for each day you attended. Your feedback is valuable to the association, and your evaluation helps NCACPA continue to offer high-quality CPE programming.
CPE Certificate of Completion: Select the link for each day you attended to retrieve your CPE Certificate of Completion. Please make sure you are selecting the correct format (in-person or virtual.) You’ll be prompted to enter your name, select sessions, time spent in each session, and email address. Once the form is completed, your Certificate of Completion will be generated.