NCACPA received a response from the NC Department of Revenue regarding our prior correspondence to Secretary Penny related to the Extra Credit Grant Program. The Department’s reply is attached.
While we didn’t received the response we hoped for, we appreciate that Association members quickly identified a tax preparation software error that prevented original returns from identifying taxpayers with qualifying children in all cases, making them ineligible for the extra credit grant unless an amended return was filed by October 15. Given the number of taxpayers believed to have been affected by the software error and the limited window for filing amended returns, the Association promptly asked the Department to exercise its authority over the form of returns to allow each tax preparer to file a single document identifying its affected clients and deem such a filing an amended return for each such taxpayer.
The Department has responded they are not able to process such a simplified filing. Anticipating this as potential outcome, the Association also offered to work with the DOR to devise an alternative practical solution. The Department’s response unfortunately does not offer any such alternative, meaning that amended returns will need to be filed for each affected taxpayer by October 15.
We again appreciate the efforts of our Tax Committee leadership in this area, and the input provided by many of our members on this topic.
We also appreciate the Revenue Department’s consideration of our suggested recommendation, and remain grateful for the relationship between our organizations enabling mutually beneficial communication on such matters.