Conferees to work on SB726, IRC Update, have been identified for both the North Carolina House and Senate. They are as follows:
- Rep. William Brawley, Chair
- Rep. Jason Saine
- Rep. Julia C. Howard
- Rep. John Szoka
- Rep. Rick Catlin
- Rep. Ken Goodman
- Sen. Bob Rucho, Chair
- Sen. Bill Rabon
- Sen. Jerry W. Tillman
- Sen. Tom Apodaca
- Sen. Trudy Wade
- Sen. Floyd B. McKissick, Jr.
We encourage you to reach out to these representatives, as well as those from your voting district, to urge swift resolution of the IRC Update bill. Contact information can be found on the General Assembly’s website via this link. Please send any feedback to Sharon Bryson, CEO, at [email protected].