Meet Michael Charles Pridgeon, a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) that is the visionary of Break the Cycle, a program that...
In July 2019, North Carolina passed House Bill 924 which mandates an economics and personal finance (EPF) course. Beginning with...
Most parents take certain steps to protect their children in the event of their premature death. Drafting a will or...
This week’s podcast focuses on the following items: IRS expands rules excluding from income discharge of certain student loan debt...
The Senate approved a plan to return millions in surplus tax revenue to taxpayers, despite complaints from some Democratic lawmakers...
Just when I thought things couldn’t get any busier, the pace has managed to pick up since I last...
With tech-savvy Millennials tending to take a self-directed approach with their money, many financial planners are adopting a service model...
Blog Series: The Keys to Financial Fitness for College StudentsPost 4 of 4 Tap the 529 Many parents spend years...
Blog Series: The Keys to Financial Fitness for College StudentsPost 2 of 4 Get What You Need Once you know...
Blog Series: The Keys to Financial Fitness for College Students Post 1 of 4 Consider the Value If you’re not...