Event Registrant Information & Resources
Thank you for attending NCACPA’s TechFest Summer Conference!
Conference Materials
Below is a listing of sessions for this program accompanied by the materials, if available. Click on the green hyperlink to print materials or download them to your preferred device. Once you download materials, refunds will not be issued. NCACPA will post materials to the registrant only page as they are received by the instructor prior to the event.
(GS1) K2’s Tech Update
(2A) K2’s What Now, What’s Next: Emerging Technologies
(1A) K2’s Office Scripts – The New Macros
(2B) K2’s Accessing Your Company’s Data With Power Query And Power BI
(1B) K2’s Getting Started With Artificial Intelligence
(2C) K2’s CPA Firm Technology And Management Update
(1C) K2’s The ABCs Of Automation With Microsoft’s Power Platform
(GS2) K2’s Excel Best Practices And Features
(GS3) K2’s Time To Advance Automation
(4C) K2’s Better Reporting With QuickBooks Online
(3A) K2’s Optimizing Your Tech Stack
(5A) K2’s Harnessing ChatGPT
(3B) K2’s Optimizing Your Tech Stack
(5B) K2’s Effective Automation And Outsourcing
(3C) K2’s Small Business Accounting Solutions
(5C) K2’s Saving Time With Electronic Forms
(4A) K2’s Consumer Electronics Show 2024 Review
(GS4) K2’s Ripped From The Headlines: Lessons From Interesting Tech Crimes
Attendee Quick Links
*Links will be made available at the end of each day.
Conference Survey: Please take a few moments to fill out the survey(s) regarding the speakers, objectives, and overall program experience for each day you attended. Your feedback is valuable to the association, and your evaluation helps NCACPA continue to offer high-quality CPE programming.
CPE Certificate of Completion: Select the link for each day you attended to retrieve your CPE Certificate of Completion. You’ll be prompted to enter your name, select sessions, time spent in each session, and email address. Once the form is completed, your Certificate of Completion will be generated.